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space opera

Book Review: Renegade by Joel Shepherd

Book Review: Renegade by Joel Shepherd

I want to start out by saying how absolutely terrible I feel about how long it took me to finish this book. According to Goodreads, I started it February 24, which actually wasn't as long ago as I feared. It really WAS excellent, and the last 30% or so really flew by because I was actually able to devote a proper amount of focus to...

Book Review: A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale

Book Review: A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale

After I finished Defiance (Beyond the Wall Book 2) a couple of weeks ago, a couple of conversations took place on various social media:

Needless to say, I did get started on Book 3 right away, and it didn't take me long to discover that Bale wasn't kidding...

Book Review: Sidespace by G.S. Jennsen

Book Review: Sidespace by G.S. Jennsen

Let me just start by saying that it has been an absolute honor to beta read for and work with this wonderful lady over the past couple of years. This sprawling saga she has created has become one of my favorite stories!

When I finished Transcendence, I was satisfied. I knew the story wasn’t over...