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A couple of weeks ago, I was tagged in a magazine cover challenge by a fellow author on Instagram. I’m usually not a huge fan of being tagged in things, but this one actually looked like fun—the idea was to create a magazine cover that somehow had to do with you as an author or reader. I cheated a little since our dear ill-tempered slightly sociopathic series namesake makes a better cover model than I do, but it was a lot of fun coming up with relevant content. Just for fun, I also created a table of contents you might find on the first page of the magazine. Click each image for a closer look!

And then, since I had so much fun with that (and because I had the worst time deciding on which piece of art to use for the cover image), I decided I wanted to create magazine covers for each of the Core Four™ characters + Emeri. I thought, what if there was an agency-wide newsletter-style magazine that went out quarterly, and each issue featured one of the characters and had content relevant to that character? Realistically of course, none of these people would ever have (or want) their faces plastered on the cover of a magazine, but what’s a fun promotional project if it doesn’t stretch the limits a little?

I’ve been sharing these on social media each day for the past week, but here they are below all in one spot. Again, click each image for a larger view! I had an absolute blast creating these—it’s sure easy to get carried away with Canva. Which one is your favorite? Which featured article sounds most interesting?