Forged: Resurrection — EJ Fisch /*this code is for the scrolly button*/ Top /*this code enables embedding Facebook posts*/

Forged: Resurrection

Okay, so we’re not actually calling it that, but it sounds cool.

Some of you may remember a little project that launched a couple of years ago called FORGED FROM THE STARS. While only for sale for a little over a year, it technically never went away; informational page(s), the Goodreads page, and the ebook have still been readily available for any interested parties.

For anyone who may have missed out, the idea for Forged was initially conceived by author and editor Tammy Salyer. She contacted G.S. Jennsen and I one day in late 2015 to see if we’d be interested in putting together a collection featuring the first books in each of our respective series, since we were all writing science fiction featuring strong female leads. The idea was to offer a 3-in-1 product for readers interested in the subject matter, or else introduce some of each author’s individual readers to two new books they might also enjoy. After successfully launching the collection as an Amazon-exclusive in February 2016, we ended up removing it in April 2017 to stay in compliance with KDP Select rules, since G.S. and I both had our books enrolled in Kindle Unlimited.

But now, nearly three years later, G.S. has taken her books wide, and I’m currently in the process of doing so (and of course Tammy’s books have been wide all along). Which means…

Forged is back. And it’s here to stay.

With a foreword by S.E. LehenbauerFORGED FROM THE STARS contains:

  • Dakiti (Ziva Payvan Book 1) by E.J. Fisch

  • Contract of Defiance (Spectras Arise Book 1) by Tammy Salyer

  • Starshine (Aurora Rising Book 1) by G.S. Jennsen

Learn more about each of the books from each of their authors

Find the FORGED FROM THE STARS ebook from the following retailers: