Book Review: Calico Thunder Rides Again by T.A. Hernandez
It’s been long enough, right??
Let’s rewind to September 2015. Ronan had just come out. I wasn’t yet 100% sure how I wanted to continue the story but knew I needed to (for #reasons). Even as I was closing in on the end of Ronan, I was…
Book Review: The Stars Like Gods by G.S. Jennsen
New Year's Resolutions
Book Review: Of a Darker Void by G.S. Jennsen
Picking up virtually right where Exin Ex Machina left off, Of a Darker Void gets the ball rolling by immediately plunging our heroes into all sorts of new trouble, and it doesn’t let up until the final page (and even then…).
Book Review: Survivors of PEACE by T.A. Hernandez
I mentioned in my reviews of this book’s predecessors—Secrets of PEACE and Renegades of PEACE—that I was in a unique position while reviewing them because I’d had the opportunity to read them way back in their infancy. Taking that into consideration, I feel like I’m also in a unique position while reviewing this final book in the series…